Automated Test Systems

Expert engineering, integration, and delivery of cost-effective automated test equipment (ATE) and software platforms designed to fit your technical and standards requirements.
Built into each automated test system is Chroma’s 33+ years of expertise, precision instrumentation, pre-written test libraries, and local program management with global support. From EV applications to battery cycling to electrical safety, our test hardware and PowerPro software platform will maximize your time, improve your validation process, and increase your throughput.
Reliable, Repeatable Automated Test

Hardware Expertise
What sets us apart is that we also manufacture best in class programmable COTS instrumentation ideal for power input/output terminal testing and dynamic simulation. This in-depth knowledge we have with instruments designed for automation ensures we can deliver a test system with a far better understanding of the hardware than a typical integrator. Additionally, our open architecture design allows for easy integration with other manufacturer’s hardware such as AC/DC power supplies, power analyzers, oscilloscopes, as well as NI’s modular DAQ systems.
Code-Free System Software
PowerPro is a feature-rich, expandable automated test platform that gives you control without wasting valuable time programming.
PowerPro easily generates tests designed for power conversion applications. With a library of pre-written, commonly used tests, you can edit without entering a single line of code for most applications, including EVSE, AC/DC, DC/DC, PV Inverter Testing, BMS, etc. Hassle-free reporting capabilities include statistic and management functions, test document generation, and system administration.

Custom Test Fixtures
For a complete turnkey solution, we can also design and fabricate custom test fixtures for your units under test. Our fixtures provide a reliable, repeatable test environment and receive the same support as our systems.

Peace of Mind
Overall system testing and calibrations are performed prior to shipment. We provide all user’s manuals, supporting documentation, and a point of contact for support. All systems are backed by factory one year no-cost warranty support. Training is optional and requested for most of our deployments.

Worldwide Support
Chroma places highly trained technical service and support teams in key locations all over the world. You can be sure your automated test systems will be supported wherever they are deployed.